Eîlot Tuerie, “Genesis”

Eîlot Tuerie
San Francisco, CA

3.25 x 4 x 3.25 inches

Artist Statement

Genesis is a hand-made paper ball made of the pages of the Book of
Genesis taken from a discarded Bible found in a box on a sidewalk. At its core is the first half-page of the Book of Exodus. Genesis’s pages were carefully removed by working the spine in a left-right motion. The pages were crumpled in reverse order, last to first, so the work’s title could be seen. Genesis can be read by peeling or unwrapping the pages that constitute it. Left as it is, it can be used to play ball. It has been successfully shot like a basketball into a bedroom trash bin on numerous occasions. Genesis is part of a series of paper balls, all derived from removed pages of found books in public places, that questions who were are, where we are going, and what will be left behind.