Fred Hagstrom
Albuquerque, NM
Testing: Book Two- Downwinders
Artist Statement
Testing: Book Two- Downwinders is the second in a series of three books about the effects of nuclear bomb tests in the American southwest. The series looks at veterans, miners, and citizens (downwinders) who experienced health effects from the nuclear test program. There were over 100 above ground tests between 1951 and 1963. The book combines archival photos with texts that give both statistics as well as personal stories about the legacy of these tests.
Sample text:
“In school they showed us a film called “A is for atom, B. is for Bomb”. I think most of us who grew up in that period, we’ve all in our own minds added C is for Cancer, D is for Death. Jay Truman
You would grab hold of a sheep to move it into a corral or a little pen, and their hide- the wool, the skin, everything, would just pull right off of them. Mel Clark, rancher