Yuqi Liu
New York, NY
IG: @yuqianita
Mushroom Hunting
16 cmyk screen prints as artist book with handmade clamshell box
11.5 x 8.5 x 1.5 in
Artist Statement
This book captures a mesmerizing journey through Inwood Hill Park, Manhattan’s last old-growth forest, led by mushroom enthusiasts. It’s a visual celebration of their deep connection with nature, highlighting the intricate beauty of fungi. CMYK screen-printed photographs bound in a design inspired by a mushroom cap, capture the harmonious blend of humanity with the environment. Each page-turn immerses the reader into a world where every touch and scrutinizing gaze unravels the enigma of these organisms. These fungi, captured in their natural habitat, are not just biological entities but symbols of resilience, interconnectedness, and the perpetual beauty of life’s cycles.