Thomas Parker Williams, “BIG small”

Book open and closed with page 1,2 and 3

Page 4

Page 5

Page 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10

Book with page 5

Thomas Parker Williams
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

BIG small
Etching and letterpress over 2 color flood coat, printed on tear proof paper
edition size of 20
10 illustrations plus title page and colophon
10 x 7
2.25 x 2.25 x 1

BIG small, a book about our place in the Universe, is printed on Neenah Paper Tyger tear proof paper that holds ink well and does not crack or tear.

Thomas Parker Williams lives and works in Philadelphia, PA, USA. His work includes hand-made artist book editions, unique book works, printmaking, and painting. Some of his artist book editions contain an audio element – music or sound work – composed, performed, and recorded by the artist. Tom’s artist books are in numerous private and public collections.