Emerson Alexander, “To you… With love”

Baltimore, Maryland

Emerson Alexander
To you… With love
Screen print on Rives Lightweight, handmade cotton rag and graph papers. Book structure is made of glassine.
6″x 2″ x 3″

Artist Statement

A fictional correspondence told through collected ephemera.
Inspired by my own habitual collection of ephemera and personification of objects, as well as a love for snail-mail, the book explores collections, sentimentality, ephemera and how narrative can be woven through those elements. In the glassine folded pockets are remnants of a relationship told only though items sent in the mail. The viewer acts as the collections keeper, the notes and photos
piecing together their story. Through the examination of its contents, this book reveals an unresolved love story, first dates, long distance letters and small things sent in the moments between meetings.

The book’s images are sourced from my own personal collection of objects. This included vintage postcards, stamps, photos, objects, and tickets that I bought in vintage stores, thrift shops, antique stores and estate sales. I also did additional material research on old letters, letter locking and stamps for additional content in the book. Following their collection, I redrew several of the objects and images and then exposed those images onto screens for printing. The prints were then hand colored with watercolor.