Ravikumar Kashi, “‘I will not make a mistake’ Book of Errors”

‘I will not make a mistake’ work front and back cover view

‘I will not make a mistake’ work one of the page view

‘I will not make a mistake’ work one of the page view

‘I will not make a mistake’ work one of the page view


Ravikumar Kashi
(Bangalore, Karnataka, India)

‘I will not make a mistake’, Book of Errors
Ink on brown paper
Unique work
82 pages
H 42 cms x W 32 cms x D 2 cms
H 21cms x W 16cms X D 2 cms

I Will not make a mistake is a light heartde book about what we consiedr as eroor and how it cna lead to various interpretation. Many times in creative fields it is errors which laeds one to new pahts. It is also about deyfing expected notions about how something should loook or function.

As a society we are afraid to make mitsakes at an individual level as well socieital level. Success is alwyays sought after and failure/ error is abhorrred. But mistakes do happen, whether one is intended or not gooff ups do happen, shucks.

It can also be about how as a society we have failed to curb violence. We in fact harvest it, beacsue it is a profitalbe. It is a fialure which comes back to haunt us like a nightmare time and agagin.

In thr begining of the book theer is an imposition writing which says ‘I will not mkae a miskate’ which itself is full of mistakes. That is rhe irony of life.