Full installation front view
Full installation side view
Lower portion of banners #2, #3 and #4
Banner #4 close-up
Top portion of banners #4 and #5 side-by-side (before installation)
Anna Moorse
Minneapolis, Minnesota
The DNA of Harmony
Paper marbling (paper and acrylic paint)
Each banner is 11.25 inches wide by 42 inches tall
Artist Statement
“Each band represents individual voices from departments within this agency.
Some voices speak with gusto and passion; some speak with composure and focus.
As voices blend, a beautiful harmony ensues and the bigger picture is revealed:
A masterpiece unlike any other.”
This wall installation composed of five hanging banners was concepted and created for Colle+McVoy, a Minneapolis-based advertising agency. Together these banners make a statement about the Colle+McVoy employees’ unique characteristics and traits. When combined, their differences create and cultivate beautiful ideas, products and actions that impact company culture and the world at large. Each banner was created from a variety of marbled papers trimmed
Each banner was created from a variety of marbled papers trimmed and assembled to reflect human DNA bands. A range of patterns represent different voices in a kaleidoscope of swirled colors. Dark and vibrant colored paper paired with solid and pearlescent acrylic paint reinforce change in tone and volume of each “voice,” while simultaneously providing balance to the overall installation.