Bela Limenes, No me olvides

Closed book within its cover

Open cover with book
Front page with title

Doble page showing manipulated photos with details of the demolished house

Doble page showing manipulated photos with details of the demolished house

Book body, you can see the structure and design


Bela Limenes (Cuernavaca, Morelos Mexico)

No me olvides
Digital photography
unique work
17 pages
4.41 x 13.15 x 1.3 in open
4.41 x 6.57 x 1.3 in closed

For me, the artist book has become the medium to contain and communicate my stories. It is a way of experimenting with the photographic language, record and memory. A piece where I combine space and time and allow the viewer into my narrative. According to needs and references each person will have different readings. The topics I generally work with are the body and representation of women at different times in the history of art and the relationship between human beings and their environment.

The photographs for this book were taken in what was the home of Dr. Alvar Carrillo Gil in Mexico City. Collector of Mexican art in the first half of the twentieth century. The house was sold in 2014 and these are the last pictures taken in that space that was dismantled and about to be demolished. What remains is the memory of a wonderful house that was once full of life and art. The photographs are manipulated with solvents and paint to give the idea of abandonment (with fungus and residual cement) and the book is shaped like a brick.