View of the slipcase for book and the cover.
View of the first spread, pages 1-2.
View of the fourth spread (pages 7-8), a fragment of the fifth page is visible on the left side.
page 5 – gold flake imitation on paper
page 8 – blood imitation (dyes and blotting paper)
View of the 22nd page – handicraft decorations using natural resources.
View of the 28th page – handicraft decorations using paper, sharp wooden needles and a red thread.
Maria Szczodrowska (Toruń, Poland)
Od początku do końca (From the beginning until the end)
mixed-media, hand-cut on paper
Unique work
66 pages
20.4 x 41.3 cm open
20.4 x 20.7 x 2.9 cm closed, slipcase 21.4 x 21 x 3.3
This book is an artistic interpretation of the life of an individual person. Life, which had its beginning and the end. All elements of this book have symbolic meaning, refer to some events or facts. Cuts in the pages create relief, which is associated with the cross-section of a tree. The last card it begins the growth, each new card symbolize one year. Reading the book from the end, we get to know the history of life from the beginning until the end. The book has been made by hand in one unique copy. It’s made in the form of a traditional codex. The slipcase is its integral part.